Valenza Accounting Firm

For less sized companies that are not able or do not consider it convenient to have an internal accounting structure, the study provides:

  • Electronic invoicing;
  • General and specialist accounting services (data processing, simplified and ordinary accounting, asset management, VAT settlements, journal, inventory book, accounting and tax registers ...);
  • Keeping of company books, drafting of minutes and resolutions of corporate bodies;
  • Management of lease contracts and related periodic obligations;
  • Assistance in the main telematic obligations and in the management of practices at the Municipalities, the Business Register, the Revenue-Collection Agency;
  • Setting up the chart of accounts and in company accounting procedures, reconstructions and accounting appraisals;
  • Preparation and verification of interim and financial statements;
  • Relations and obligations with the Business Register and the Revenue Agency;
  • Assistance in the tax field in disputes with the Tax Office both in the pre-litigation phase (communications of irregularities, questionnaires and financial investigations, assessments with adhesion, installments ...) and in the development of litigation at the Tax Commissions;
  • Assistance in the drafting of commercial contracts, in contracts for the real estate sector, in the preparation of shareholders' agreements and in the drafting of company statutes.

Auditing Valenza

  • Boards of Statutory Auditors;
  • Statutory audit activities as Statutory Auditor and/or company auditor.

Corporate Consulting Valenza

The firm provides consultancy services, in particular on:

  • Establishment of companies and corporate operations of an extraordinary nature (acquisitions, disposals, mergers, demergers, contributions and transformations of companies);
  • Transfer of groups and business complexes;
  • Drafting of deeds, opinions, preliminary contracts, private writings in general;
  • Withdrawal and exclusion of shareholders, assistance in the purchase and sale of companies, assets and shares in the company;
  • Corporate reorganizations;
  • Due diligence activities, drafting of appraisals, reasoned opinions, technical advice and company evaluations;
  • Valuation of individual assets, rights, assets, shareholdings and preparation of valuation reports required by law;
  • Patrimonial family accommodations and generational transitions;
  • Administration and custody of companies, liquidation of companies.